

Seed Logos


This Site



Seed Logos: This is the twelve sectored diagram that appears on the home page.
For more information about the Seed Logos, click [here]

S01: Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "1:00" or "S1"
S02 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Earth Stewardship" also sometimes "2:00" or "S2"
S03 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "3:00"or "S3"
S04 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "4:00"or "S4"
S05 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "5:00"or "S5"
S06 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "6:00"or "S6"
S07 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "7:00"or "S7"
S08 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "8:00"or "S8"
S09 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "9:00"or "S9"
S10 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "10:00"
S11 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "11:00"
S12 : Sector one of the Seed Logos, "Culture, Art and Myth" also sometimes "12:00"

Color References: eg Beige, Purple, Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, Turquoise, Coral, Divine Pearl. These are the colors that refer to the vMeme levels of Spiral Dynamics. Note that on this site the colors will be capitalized to help bring attention to their special status as levels in the Spiral Dynamics model. We have provided a synopsis of the theory behind Spiral Dynamics on this site. Just click anywhere the words 'spiral dynamics' appears and then read the "Spiral Dynamics Overview" page.



Red :

Blue :

Orange : Orange is the warm color level, number five, in the sequence of Spiral Dynamics.
     For details about this vMeme, click [here].

Green :

Yellow :

Turquoise :

Coral :

Divine Pearl :

First Tier :

Second Tier:

Third Tier :

Warm Color :

Cool Color :