


Seed Logos


Health - Coral

Coral is the individually oriented aspect of the transpersonal third tier of the Spiral. The Individually oriented transcendant consciousness is focussed at the deepest degree of identification, what in many traditions is called "the Soul". In the Vedic tradtions, this is called Atman. At Coral, Sector Three is somewhat unique, because other than direct spritual development, perhaps only in the most powerful healing processes is the Soul directly activated / accessed / utilized. In Ayurveda, the oldest recorded medical system on earth, a sister science of Yoga, it is understood that life can be defined as the Functional Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit. And for most, the term Spirit is clearly pointing to the Soul. Ayurveda is one system of medicine special because it specifically includes the spiritual dimensions of being in its systematic approach to releasing a person from suffering and imbalances in mind and body. It is only in helping a patient release identification with habitual patterns in body-mind, that true healing is possible.

Dhanvantari— Lord Dhanvantari,
Deity of Ayurvedic Medicine

(image from wikipedia)

I am not the body. I am not the senses. I am not the mind. I am pure awareness. This I, this pure awareness, this non-ego Self, cannot be vitiated. This true I-ness is not afflicted by disease, will not become ill, and in fact, will not die. I will one day 'drop the body'; I am not the body. I am the effulgent source that the mind experiences as inspiration because of me. Because of this source of consciousness, this pure awareness, this pure Sattva, all other levels of being, all five sheaths, they can become more sattvic, they can be purified. The path is through meditation, through knowing this I, the non-ego, the pure awareness that is Self.

Almost everyone knows a story of someone who had terminal cancer, just a few weeks or months to live, according to their doctors, but somehow experienced a spontaneous and complete remission. They describe getting in touch with their true self, some true nature of themselvbes they did not really know existed until that moment, and in this journey, got in touch wsith with some unresolved emotional trauma, which they were able, because of this awareness, to resolve. This is what Sector 3 at Coral is about. It is our Soul nature that is the ultimate tool to resolving these difficult emotional patterns, that mind, body or heart alone cannot clear. This Atman is also the cure to intractible addiction patterns. Truly, We are our own healers. We can heal ourselves. In Ayurveda, it is understood that meditation can balance all three doshas, all three humors can be balanced in the body, ultimately, simply by sitting, breathing and connecting with our innermost Selves. All the way through all 5 Shealths: the bliss body, the wisdom body, the sensory mind, the breath body and ultimately the physical body. This is truly the most powerful medicine.


I AM. But: I am not the body. I am not the senses. I am not the mind. I am pure awareness.
There is something greater. I know there is a higher power. This mundane world is not all that there is. There is a Divine force, that helps us all to heal, to grow, to better ourselves.


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When a few people have stabilized in Coral consciousness, perhaps as a result of brushing against death, maybe through illness and unexpected recovery, then society changes. These people, because of their experiences, cannot go back to their previous lives, lives that may have been characterized by first tier behavior patterns, be they reactive responses or desires to have more material possessions, mundane knowledge or power. Nothing is the same anymore; all of life is viewed from a different perspective, a perspective characterized by a broader more holistic view. This view will be at least Second Tier, at least yellow, and for those who have sufficient preparation to hold it, who can see a from a more collective place, who come away from their experience with a sense of 'otherness', then it can be turquoise. Once people have stabilized in second tier as a result of a third tier experience, they are likely to be inspired to share with others. They become emmissaries for the Divine. They become spiritual leaders, or leaders for other reasons; they inspire others to be more, better, have broader views, more comprehensive perspectives. They inspire others to participate in the spiral journey of Human evolution.